2014 - A year of greatness

2013 was a bullshit year. I am serious, the highlight was a girl from Cape Town telling me that I remind her of the creatures in the Predator movies. Thank you Sandra, nicest thing anyone's said to me in a while.  I can sum it up in one word, atrocious.  My friend Pawa proceeds to say "People died this year, it can't be that bad?". I remind her that after carrying my late uncle to his grave I am fully aware of the finite nature of life.  I kept falling down, I was glad to stay on the ground and wallow in self-pity.  But people kept picking me up and encouraging to fight back. To them it seemed as though the fact that I survived this year was a feat worth celebrating, mind you we've celebrated it three times. When surviving becomes something to celebrate, then you know that you are screwed.  I don’t know who told them that I wanted to get back up. But that's my way of saying thank you, my sanity is very grateful for your assistance.  Surviving has taught me to accept that there will be days where I want to put life on pause, those days will require strength and patience. They will require the realization that alcohol and clandestine acts of fornication cannot take away the pain.

I have already made up my mind that 2014 will be a great year, regardless of the fact that I have no control of the outcome.  Such is the arrogance of my self-belief, it’s not an act of ungratefulness but determination to succeed despite the challenges.  I will be great, because it is within me. It’s not a door with a magic key.

Having a Garfield moment on New years eve
So as I reined in the new with two of the three people I trust not to fuck up my eulogy one day, I felt at peace.  Life will end eventually, you should spend as much time with people that contribute to the quality of your life.  Like Zachary says “this sticking to the limit thing is for people who live life as though they are drivers of cars that don't have enough petrol in the tank”. Be all you can be and more. It is 2014, you all have my permission to over achieve: let us be great!


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