
Showing posts from November, 2014

Namibian politics ; a game of thrones

A knowledgeable young man called Filemon Iiyambo once said, “Politics is a subject so complex and diverse in its essence that it is better left to politicians. It’s a very dark art that very few people are blessed with the disposition for.” Yes, I just quoted myself. Bite me! Politics and especially Namibian politics, has many similarities to ‘Game of Thrones’. Those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, I have one word, Google is your friend, my friend. Actually that’s more than one word, it’s a whole phrase. But, it’s my blog, I am the dictator here! Game of thrones, is an HBO TV show that is extremely popular, more popular than a young girl in a short skirt at a sugar daddy convention. Or in terms that everyone can understand, it’s a series, a TV series. It’s based on the books by George R. Martin. If you haven’t ever watched an episode of this show, then you need to stop torturing yourself, you’re missing out, big time! Also, you’re definitely doing this life thing all