Never fold, never give up!

If i had a dollar for every single time that someone told me that i couldn't do something i wanted to do, i wouldn't necessarily be millionaire but i sure would have an awful lot one dollar coins.

"You're just not good enough" or "you can't do it" and as i got older "we regret to inform you". The afore mentioned are just a few of the phrases that were used to politely disappoint me  and stop me from trying. But I never stopped trying, I don't know if it's because i have a hard head. No, really! My head is so hard that a Ngandjera chap once hit me with a can at a Tate Buti concert and it was the can that ended up with a dent. No one will let you get what you want, you have to fight for it. No one will serve it to you on a silver platter. You fight for it like Harry "the terminator" Simon in his prime. Go big or go home and if home is very far away, then you are in trouble.

I am not saying keep trying to record an album when you know you can't sing or keep modelling even though you know that you're never going to make the catwalk because you are shorter than Katt Williams. Be realistic, fight for the dreams that you truly believe in. Not all of a person's dreams are realistic, but there are a few that you have undying faith in, so some dreams you let go,you but the important one's are those that you keep a hold of and pursue with steadfast dedication. You might sing worse than Rebecca Black but maybe you're  a great writer, why not pursue that. You might be too short to model but be talented enough to be a dancer, great actor or theater performer.

Sometimes you have to grow up and concede that some dreams are too far fetched. You realize that some of you other dreams are much more important, prioritize them and fight for them with everything you have. The following individuals inspire me a lot.

Roberto Baggio ; talisman of the Italian national team, he missed penalty in the Italian1994 world cup, he returned four years later and scored two goals and a penalty in a quarterfinal match against France.

Nelson Mandela ; forgave his captors and stood side by side with them to rebuild  his country, one the most respected  African leaders.

Ivan Klasnic; Croation striker, who is the only player to take part in a major soccer tournament after undergoing an organ transplant. In 2007 he received kidney from his mother, his immune system rejected the organ, a few months later his father gave him a kidney which his immune system accepted.

Nkwaku Kanu ; as part of an Ajax Amsterdam team that won a European champions league in 1995, he was destined for greatness at Inter Milan till doctors detected a heart defect. They said he'd never play again, only to prove them wrong after undergoing surgery. Proving that human spirit can do the almost impossible.


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