The unsuspecting moodle

Life is not a walk in the park, not by any stretch of an over active imagination. In life you must be strong like the bones of a marathon chicken. Life and everything involved in it requires a certain level of self belief and confidence, you must have the confidence of Julius Malema dodging corruption charges. Otherwise you will become an unfortunate victim of the dog eat dog world that we live in, the food chain that is modern society teaches an individual to always be one step ahead (thinking on your feet). Let’s apply this to interactions between young men and women. The possibility is high that out of every five gentleman reading this post, six of them have fallen in like with a lady who was genuinely caring towards them as a friend but just never looked at them as a potential partner. Noticed I said like and not love, simply because love is stupid, blind and will result in you losing your mind (side effects of too many broken relationships). I’m sure the guys will feel me on...