What will you be remembered for?

We all vandalized property in high school, naughtily engraving our initials into furniture, walls, and even trees.  All done in an effort to leave a mark to leave more than just a trace, to be remembered.  Some of those traces are still there (Haven’t gone back to Ongwediva to check if mine is still there).

I was wondering to myself the other day while listening to my favourite country artists (No! not Taylor swift, I said artists, plural) Lady antebellum. What will I be remembered for? Have I done enough in the past 24 years to be allowed a moment of remembrance, will they remember me three summers after my funeral, or will I fade like my bones into the dust of lost memories.

So I started thinking to myself what can I do? Maybe I will cure cancer, but then I am not a doctor. Maybe I will write a classic, but I can’t play instruments, can’t sing, all I can do is rap. Maybe I will lead a revolution, but then if I do that what will Job Amupanda do? Maybe I will lead the brave warriors to Nations Cup glory? Then I realized that even though I’ve cracked the regional league in France I have never played premier league soccer in Namibia. I thought deep and hard, I even sat down instead of my usual walking in circles routine. After all I wasn’t even good enough to crack engineering, ended up being a Geologist.
However I am a good Geologist and I can aspire to become the best, an expert, Maybe in Ten years a Teacher (By teach, I actually mean lecture at Varsity, because high school kid’s would just annoy me). After all I did Teach Job Shikongo and Chesta how to use a Compass, and I did Teach Krebchov the common sense of Geology, I even encouraged Diecu that being hated for what you are is better than being loved for what you are not. So have I made a Difference? Maybe, If Lazy can make it past Structural Geology then I would die a happy man.

All we can aspire to be is better that what we were before, so if I can help all those below me in the family tree to get the chance’s and opportunities that come with a good education , then I will die an even happier man. We don’t know how long we are on this earth, because we are just passing through here (Sad, but true, we are all gona die). So in whatever time I have I will do my best to the best at what I am. I am my legacy after all.

We all strive to do something better with the short time that god has allocated so that other people will notice and remember us for. So what will you be remembered for?


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