The Brown eyes concept: when you know you're in trouble

The eyes are a window to the soul; however most people have seen so much grief and struggle that their eyes are clouded with sorrow and are difficult to see into. Her eyes were different, every time I looked her in the eye I pierced right into her. First time I saw her I looked at her thrice, the second time I glanced longer than normal, the third time I did nothing but she looked at me with those brown eyes and I just couldn’t resist. Those eyes kept pulling me, when you feel that happening then you know you’re in trouble.

I have been asked several times what makes her eyes different from all the millions of black women with brown eyes. Well it’s not the eyes themselves but what I saw in those eyes (besides the reflection of my handsome face). Sometimes it’s what two people see in each other that drives them to succeed, drives them to dream and gives them absolutely no sense of fear. When you take a girl on a pick nick (Thank you Katrina for double incepting the thought into my mind) and the sun just keeps enhancing her glow then you know you’re in trouble.

The brown eyes concept was born because with 3 women for  1 man (In Namibia) gossip travels fast, meaning that a man can never keep a secret in Namibia (If she doesn’t find out through the grapevine, then informante will expose it). It also made writing about her more intriguing to whoever was reading my posts about her. When you rush from the Soccer field to spend your Sunday afternoon with someone who does not even bother about Soccer, then you know you’re in trouble. 

Last summer (African Summer) was the most awesome ever, bloody hot but the north of Namibia was always hot. We did things that you only read in romance novels and see in chick flicks. I even hugged a tree (I recommend it, it’s very liberating). Remember when your mom said don’t play in the rain, well you really shouldn’t unless you have someone to play with. When someone makes you feel funny and your butterflies start getting butterflies then you know you’re in trouble.

But like all men (we are hopeless) I was a big jerk to her last winter (European Winter), and I got what all big jerks get for being stupid and not thinking (in addition to that slow torture called silent treatment). Because when your life suddenly starts feeling a bit like Everton getting thumped by Chelsea, then you know that you’re in trouble.


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