Modern Day Superheroes : Les super étudiants de CESEV

The centre d’eseignement superieur en exploration et valorisation de resources minerals (CESEV) is a post graduate training program tailored to engineers and geologists from the french/francophone mining industry . What am i doing there? Well even I can’t answer that question; maybe the Director thinks Im smart. All i know is im now part of an exclusive club that only recruits a maximum of 15 per year.

On the Surface it looks like a normal masters program, but look beneath and you will see that the students of CESEV are special individuals with special super powers in short these guys are modern day super heroes. Take Annas from Indonesia for example he has the extraordinary power of being able to operate his blackberry without touching it, amazing huh? But there’s more, Pablo from Colombia has super special flirting Powers, this boy could chat up a nun and she would give him her phone number, he’s scoring rate is questionable though. Princess Zhuldyz from Kazakhstan (As smart as she is beautiful) can shine brighter than a star; she can blind a blind man. Adil from Kazakhstan has hands of steel, very useful in our battles and our Nemesis/es.

Jeremy our resident boy genius (Jeremy has a PhD, he was sent back in time to protect us and help us fulfil our respective destinies) has amazing powers of being able to fall completely asleep in class (mouth open and everything), although he keeps selling me a long story about him being a narcoleptic. Guy from New Caledonia has super strength which stems from his long dreads, add to that his super laughing powers and he’s unstoppable. Franscisco alias Pacho from mexico has super concentration and patience nothing ever annoys fransisco even when Diana from Colombia utilises speaks Spanish and French at the same time at high speed, last time she clocked 5 words per second (i kid you not). Sebastian the sole French man is unique, he can speak to blonds and he understands what they are saying (Useful guy to have around), he can drive on frozen roads and he is also very good at organising stuff.

Then comes the West African contigent. Oumar and Moumar from Senegal have navigation and translation powers respectively , these two can find anything and translate any language, even baby language. Bamara  is our resident modern day blacksmith skilled in the art of making super resistant fibres for our costumes(I secretly think he can read minds). Aime from Guinea is our resident prospector (he searches the universe for precious metals) and Audrey from Gabon has the special ability to locate Chocolate; she’s truly amazing (She always knows where to find my Mars bars) in addition to being a mathematical genius. I have the special ability to save the day (I always know the answer when everybody else is stuck), a super power I share with the powerpuff girls and Superman. On occasion I help Jeremy by sleeping on his behalf. 

Helena has a special gift, the ability to destroy boredom. Helena will procrastinate in class even in Filipov’s class but ability to spread joy is truly amazing (Filipov is a former Secret KGB Agent who has sworn his life to teaching people with special powers how to harness them properly, the man is a great mentor). Our secretary Corinne has special multi-tasking powers; she holds a conversation, talks on the phone and does admin at the same time. But the most amazing is our director Prof. Marion or Philipe as it says on his door, he has a unique ability. He can become invisible; his invisibility field can work for up to three weeks. As of this month we have yet to see him and when his office door is open the chair is always moving but there is no one in it. 

Don’t be fooled by their lazy expressions coz these guys are modern day super heroes.


  1. lmao!!!hirarious
    ses pouvoirs à pleine puissance.hahahahaha!!!!

  2. Thanks for making my day Malima. Oh by the way. Wedding's on the 4th Jan 2012 and you are invited. Yay!!!!

    1. Bravo!!! Philemon....
      and many thanks!!
      a small Director of this curious fossil.... the CESEV


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