NAMAs 2014 - Vote for SWAPO

Vote SWAPO - The NAMAs 2014

The Namibian Annual Music Awards (NAMA's) recently took place in the small and quiet coastal town of Swakopmund. I realized three things while I was watching it on TV.

1) Namibia has 'fashion designers', never knew that and I've lived here almost all my life.
2) Singing live is really hard, in actual fact, singing in general is hard. Very few artists can really 'sing'.
3) Wait, I said three things right? I actually meant two and a half.

This year’s NAMAs was actually really good compared to the previous years, the organization was organised and the presentation was a huge step forward. They had a blue carpet for the arriving 'celebrities' before the main show and a blue room where they interviewed the award winners during the show. Small things like sound glitches that made me think there was an army of minions living in the sound system can be forgiven, even the embarrassing moment when one of the presenters forgot what she was going to say and said "I forgot what I was going to say." That's all totally forgivable.

I will even completely ignore the fact that most artists went overboard with their speeches, they were too long and rambling and wandered into politics too much. A few artists even openly requested the viewers to "Vote for SWAPO". Which is all fine, we have this thing called freedom of speech and expression in our constitution. You have the right to express yourself, you can tell your haters to swallow the blade as long as you don’t call them mother fuckers while saying good night. You'll get in some real trouble for that.

But now I am guessing that the SWAPO propaganda and campaigning managers jobs are under threat, I mean who needs them when a music artist can do the job and attract the born free voters, unemployment is about to go up. It's the negative side effect of some people refusing to stay in their lanes and trying to multi task across jobs. Take my advice, bly in jou baan, stay in your lane. We can't play other peoples roles and our own at the same time.

But you have to give props to our prime minister, honourable Hage Geingob is one cool politician, that's saying a lot because its common knowledge that I don't like politicians. Not many can mix and mingle like he can, he can out dance me on most days and nights, plus the man has shades so clean I'd vote if he was giving out a free pair of sunglasses at the polling stations.

So I asked myself, what would happen if we did like our artists said and vote for SWAPO? Here's a list of eight unanswered queries.

If I vote for SWAPO
1) Will I get a free NBC digital decoder?
2) Will they finally find Lazarus Shaduka?
3) Will they finally give me the tender to tell jokes at the next congress?
4) Will I get any tenders at all?
5) Will they find the missing part of the Apple apple? (See what I did there?)
6) Will I ever be able to buy decent house in normal Windhoek suburbia?
7) Will Castro finally tell us why the chicken crossed the road? But in English.
8) You're waiting for eighth query aren’t you? You should know me by now. I meant seven and a half.

Until next time, bly in jou baan, and stay out of trouble.

Dancers showing off their skills at the NAMAs (original pic from 99 fm website).


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