Its 1h45 AM, I'm still awake, not by choice of course. I've been bed for an hour and the closest I've come to falling asleep is the title of the song I am now listening to, what wizardry is this? Music tends to calm the nerves, it usually helps but tonight it’s been as affective as Manchester United’s players. I've been downstairs twice (thought walking up and down the stairs would help), I'm not a sheep counter, I'll try anything once but counting sheep is stupid. I go to bed tired but after five minutes, my mind is more aware than ever. My brain refuses to shut down, every single problem I have decides to go swimming in my mind just as I go to bed. Sometimes I wish problems could be intimidated with threats of a good ass whopping like little children. Maybe I am losing it? Maybe I have finally lost my last three marbles. I am tired, stressed and worried and that's on a good day. What am I like on my worst day? Well, trust me when I say that you do...