The los shandie theory
Isaac Newton was hit on the head by
an apple, he was probably sleeping under the apple tree but no one questions
these scientists we just believe what they say; he went on to formulate several
theories and three very important laws of physics.
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Typical los shandies - original pic from |
On the other hand, I’ve never been hit on the head with an apple; though I have been
hit on the head with a beer can by a scar faced ngandjera washe. Unfortunately
after one blow the can ended up with a huge dent, what can I say; I have a hard
head. He tried to hustle me for N$ 40.00 at a Tate Buti concert, as much as I
like his perverted sense of humor I regret going to that show, that’s one of the reason’s I hate going to music shows. You
never know who you will find there, just patiently waiting for you to make
their day a good one by playing your role and providing them with a wallet or cell
phone that they can affirmatively repossess. That will not hinder me from
formulating a very important theory, not only for the sexually frustrated man
but for modern society. Consider this a breakthrough in the modern study of
interactions between young men and women.
Introduction: A los shandie is Afrikaans
slang it translates to “a loose thing” in English; it can also be substituted by the term “los ding”. A los shandie is commonly known
as a side dish/chick, mistress, druik stekie, okafuko or kamboroto to name but
a few variations from the local languages. It describes a maiden/young woman who
opens her legs faster than the Firefox internet web browser when you press the
right buttons. Below follows the three laws that govern the behaviour and
patterns of a los shandie.
The Laws of the los shandie
1st Law: A man can only take one
directional stress; he can't take bi-directional stress.
A man can only take stress and bull
crap from one woman. Usually he takes it from his main chick/madam boss; he
can't take stress from her and also from his los shandie. It just cannot happen;
a man can only handle the outbursts and tantrums of one woman, there are only
so many oestrogen side effects that a man can take.
The los shandie must stay in her lane;
she must know her place in the hierarchy. She cannot attempt to disturb the
structure of the food chain. Only when madam boss is no longer in favour and a
man is in the process of indirectly ridding himself of his madam boss by
ignoring her can he then take stress from a los shandie. Because in this case the
los shandie will most probably temporarily or if she is lucky permanently fill
the position of madam boss
2nd Law: One can be both, but both can't
be one.
A los shandie to one man may be
another’s madam boss: after all one man's
Tafel lager is another man's Jack Daniels or something like that. Simplified,
this means: your mistress can’t be your wife, although your
mistress can be someone else’s wife (it’s confusing, I know).
I know this law is slightly confusing, so I
will explain. You want a girlfriend, who is totally faithful to you, a real
woman in every sense of the word. It is imperative
for you to make sure that your girlfriend is not someone else’s los shandie. However, we are men, and we
expect to have our cake and eat it. We don’t bother ourselves if the girl who is our side
dish is actually someone’s girlfriend, my
loose thing can be someone’s girlfriend. If he finds out that I am practically stealing
meat from his pot, a man will most likely get rid of his girlfriend and pat the
fellow man on the shoulder for showing him his woman’s despicable manners. Whilst
men might compete for women we do not physically fight other men over them,
which is the way it was until recently; when dudes started shooting each other
over women (the world is upside down now).
Before I
get attacked by feminists, let me stress that I did not invent skirt chasing;
it’s been like this since the contract labour
system. Men left their wives at home and went to work in the mines and in the
farms. It’s obvious that being far away from home and a
man being a man that he will take a comfort girl to help ease his frustrations and
longing for home. How many out there have brothers from other mothers and
sisters from another mister? I am just attempting to make sense of it all by
passing it off as a scientific theory (shoot me!).
3rd Law: The trigger; the feather that
breaks the camels back
Every single man has the affinity for los
shandie’s, it usually just lies dormant. In a large
percentage of men it can lie dormant throughout his entire life. However, it is
like a loaded gun; potentially hazardous but it does not become a risk until a
human being (usually female, it’s always a female) is thrust into the scenario
and pulls the trigger. Bang! Just like that, a guy who was as innocent as a
choir boy gravitates towards los shandie’s because one woman broke his heart, I think it’s established that men do not
handle emotional heart ache that well.
It takes one dumb girl to taint a man’s view of women and drive him
to start taking them for granted and treating them like disposable razors. I am
not saying that an intensely excruciating heartbreak can turn a good man into a
serial cheater, but it makes a good man more likely to become a serial cheater
(I can already hear women frowning and rubbishing my claims as nonsense).
Word of advice
I suspect that if I tried to pass
this off as an academic paper, I would probably be scientifically assassinated.
Feminists would call me an idiot and make me walk down the street dressed in a
pink loincloth or better yet naked while they throw eggs at me. However, if you
look at it from a social interaction studies point of view, it makes a little
bit of sense (it’s a man’s analogy, I am sure that a woman’s would be
totally different). I am sure women will argue that the los shandie theory is
just bull crap and I am trying to justify infidelity and make my gender feel
good. However, Reality is what it is. Thus it is better to read, digest and
understand before you rubbish and claim that what I have tabled is preposterous.
Use the knowledge to your advantage, do not end up a los shandie secretly
hoping madam boss gets the chop so you can take her place on the throne (thank
me later, you are welcome).
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