It’s life, live the shit out of it!


Hey you. Yes you, I am talking to you. No! stop looking around, there are no hidden cameras, stop pinching yourself this is not a figment of your imagination. Come on, really! Now you are just being silly, remove your hands from your ears, you are not hearing voices. Please step away from that ledge, you know that people can't fly. Please move that loaded gun away from your head, you know a bullet is harder than your skull, in the fight of human vs. hand gun; the human has never won. Please remove that rope from around your neck and step down from there, you know if you go through with this you are not only going to die but you will literally shit yourself, not only will you be dead but then you will really be full of shit.

What is it that lead you to this lowest of points in your life, how did you end up in this valley of depression. What problem is so big that you choose death instead of facing it. Listen to me, you are not doing anyone a favour, the world is not going to be a better place with you not physically existing in it anymore. Basically you are being selfish, self centred and very narrow minded.

Let me tell you; God did not create all that he created so that you could punk out. Jesus didn't die and come back to life so that you could take the easy way out. I am telling you right now, Africa did not rid itself of colonialism, the world did not go to war twice so that you can opt out like a little bitch! This is life. no one ever said that it was going to be easy. Do you think that life will just serve up a young virgin for you to have your way with? Who do you think you are? King Mswati the 3rd or Jacob Zuma? Life is a bitch, depending on which political party you choose. I'm not going to sugar coat it, it is how it is, if life was fair then they would call it something else.

Think about those that care about you. Your friends who need you as the weird one in the group, your family who needs a shining light to guide them forward, think about the young ones who need you to help them achieve their potential, teach them not to be pussies like you are. Think about those who will be left behind what about them? Loneliness will not be kind to them, sorrow will not spare them thought. Darkness will not have mercy on them, their sanity will not survive in the aftermath of your absence.

So please change your mind, take that note and burn it. go on living your life. life is for the living, do what Albus Dumbledore told harry potter "don't pity the dead, for they are at peace. pity the living especially those living without love". Do like Will Smith and pursue your happiness, like T.I. "Tip Harris" says : "God will take you through hell just to get you to heaven". Go to church, see a shrink, have a drink, heck go pay a prostitute for your 45 seconds of heaven. Just go on living your life and live the shit out of it!


  1. Hee heee, if i were on the verge of offing myself, this definitely would have been my lifesaver. But now that i already live the shit out of life, oh well i try. This was such a good push or encouragement rather, it's like taking that marathon finally and having your runaway father appear to tell you, I'm proud of you child. So good for the soul. You do well. Thank you.


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