The evolution of the chronicles

When I received an email that my little online blog would become a weekly column, I was filled with intense pride: I was like a clueless parent dropping off a problem child on the first day of school. Many may ask how I did it?, do I know someone that knows someone that knows someone?, were cooperate gifts exchanged? I am dead certain that conclusions have already been drawn.

When I started blogging two years ago, it started as a method of proactive procrastination. A way of wasting time without the guilt that usually follows, my way of dealing with the pressure cooker of having to study rocks in French. Did I hear someone say "sacre blue?". Initially I struggled to find my own definitive style of writing, but it was evident from readers comments that the no nonsense sarcastic make fun of everything including one's self straight talking style had won me followers.

It's my niche, no one calls then like I call them. I make comparisons that not many can get away with. Although I do get serious and address real issues, and also get dark and slighty depressive at times, I am mostly a very happy go lucky kind of guy. I am as happy as a cash loan place in January.

So if you come home on a Friday after a long week as tired as a prostitute on payday, then kick off your shoes and get comfortable with the weekend edition of the namibian sun or read it via the web. Yours trully will deliver every Friday like a morning boner.


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