Stronger than before

To say I have gone through some shit this year is an understatement, its one of those years that I am not afraid to write off and say good riddens.

Never take time for granted and act as if tomorow is guaranteed, I say this because I now know what I didn't know before. In oshiwambo there is a saying, it goes "kalunga itekupe esiku". When translated to English it means that god does not give a date. He does not send an Instant Message on whatsapp to say "Yo Fly! Sup my nigga? I'm coming to get ya so we can go to the big mansion in the sky in seven days. So drink like a fish & make a few heirs to the throne". It doesn't quite work like that, when its that time its that time. No one knows when their day is, so in my sarcastic opinion its a good thing to cherish and appreciate your friends and loved ones while there is time. Show them how much you care and really live a life worth living because like I said earlier death does not make appointments. It can happen so quickly that you might not even have time to say goodbye, I didn't have a chance to say goodbye properly to my little brother, when I said goodbye it was for the last time.

There is another saying, popularized of course by harry potter and the deathly Hallows (by now I'm sure you have gathered that I'm a Harry Potter fan). It goes "do not pity the dead for they are at peace, pity the living and especially those living without love". If you are like me you would probably interpret this as a licence to live like its your last day, drink like you are drinking for two and chat up pretty girls like you are seeing one for the first time. It's not a licence live like you are on a suicide mission like I initially did, rather just appreciate people, life and love.

2012 was a fucked up year, a lot of people will agree with me on that, the rest of you just chill your Guava's. But I am one of the lucky ones, I struggled very hard to kickstart my life as an adult standing on his own two feet and paying for his own shit. Some of my friends are not so lucky, but hope springs eternal for those who always believe even in the worst of times.

A lot of people have had their eyebrows raised like "The Rock" from WWE, especially my friends because of the way I've handled all this fuckery. I've mostly been philosophical about it, choosing to acknowledge that everything happens for a reason and God knows what he is doing. Don't get me wrong, I am hurting! Make no mistake about that, my father passed away when I was three years old, my brother was 23, the sum of the two is exactly how long I have been alive (The fuckery!). However my approach to life is born of being concious of the fact that while I am going through some very bad shit at the moment, somewhere else in the world (probably even next door) someone is going through some shit that is twice as worse and with less resources than you. So take that into account and just take it like an adult, but ask for help if you just can't take the fuckery anymore.

So here's to 2012 (be gone bitch!) And a salute to a less fuckerous 2013 (drink to that!), see yaa'll next year, no accidental babies please, its just new years.


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