The random ranting blog - Making no sense at all

I am an honest man; the truth is I ran out of ideas, so I decided to write whatever comes to mind, so they will be no cohesion what so ever in this article, most of it won’t even make sense. I sure hope Conrad Murray does not got to regular prison, because now that he is the guy who killed MJ; I can just imagine the things they are going to do to him in there, don’t drop the soap!.

 I doubt if anybody will read this blog, now that everyone is busy with exams. But my statistics will disagree with me, because I know full well how procrastination kicks in during exams.  I still remember those long days and nights spent slaving away to pass my modules on an empty stomach, but somehow I still managed to commit academic genocide. Normally I’m harmless, but with a pen and a calculator I make lecturers tremble. But that was a long time ago, way back in the struggle. 

People naturally assume that people like me who speak in sarcasm use it as a screen to hide the fact that we are sad people. That assumption is totally wrong, I am not sad; I’m internally conflicted by underlying issues. Issues like unemployment; I can’t find a job in Namibia even if I used a microscope, it’s that bad right now. Three degrees and all they ask me at job interviews is “do you have a drivers licence?” apparently not having a licence these days is bad. If I was south African, I would emigrate to Australia but unfortunately us Namibians don’t know the meaning of the word give up, our history is a testament to that, even apartheid could not break us.

Poor Julius Malema (blabber mouth), he’s in the soup at the moment. But I’m not surprised; it was a matter of time before he said something stupid enough to get him in trouble. Trevor Noah is going to milk this in his next show. It’s very rare that I write a whole piece that has no theme (was not drunk, don't do that shit no more) and does not make sense, but these things happen, just watch parliamentary report on NBC where our politicians/Slackers-pretending-to-be-useful put me to shame. I finally realised that Our SWAPO government got something right, they found a legitimate way to steal money, a method to earn money for doing nothing that is so ingenious that even I am impressed (rare, because I’m never impressed by politicians), and they call it S & T (subsistence and travel allowance).


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