Kaunapawa, KK and other happenings

So I have been conspicuously absent from this blog (some of us have things to do!), but you better not utter a sound otherwise I will pull a Kaunapawa on you! Not since the days that Archie Moroka was still on generations have I witnessed such drama. It confirms what we already know that although white man are viewed by women as being more romantic and sincere as opposed to us (genital blessed) black men, they are still the biggest sissies on this earth. Warning to Namibian women; Please stop using witchcraft on white man that shit only works on black men, have yaa’ll never heard of Black on Black. I am sure Mr Crowley took one look at her rear end and he could not help himself (she’s got a pretty visage too and that Brazilian hair!). But I will stop milking this story like Trevor Noah telling a Julius Malema joke and move to other interesting happenings.
The pretty woman who redefined BEE
Speaking of Julius Malema, we have had strange cases in Namibia. Like Paulus Kapia getting caught with his hands in the cookie jar, only to be recalled from the wilderness once we had conveniently forgotten (classic SWAPO move). But a suspended suspension! Now I have seen everything. Best believe that Juju as he is effectively known will be back (Jacob Zuma did the same, why can’t Juju do it?), the ANC can expel him but they can’t expel poverty, unemployment and crime. Like Gaddafi, Mubarak and Berlusconi the youth will rise up and their incompetence will bite them in the backside (SWAPO deadwood should be scared, very scared).

Just when you thought it could not get any more interesting, honourable Kanezambo Kanezambo or KK as he is affectionately known went on a racist tirade that spiralled into a “We will occupy your farms campaign”. Now I am well aware that journalists can be irritating, but all he had to do was to explain why 1.7 million was spent on repatriating the skulls (which is not that easy to explain).  As the minister of youth KK dropped the ball on this one and set a bad example (angry reaction usually means that the truth hurts), the past belongs in the past (Boers, Kovoet and Venomous segragative hate/Apartheid), his little blabbering episode was a spit in the face of national reconciliation. He redefined the temper tantrum, which will now be referred to on this blog as throwing a KK.

To round of this good period for the ordinary Namibian I have left the soccer talk for last (don’t want to bore my female readers), the brave warriors won two soccer matches without conceding (Hallelujah, praise the lord). They did so by annihilating Djibouti, if you’re shaking your head; don’t be ashamed I had to Google it just to make sure it was a real country. They gave Djibouti eight good reasons to go to Malawi.
KK throwing a KK


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