My kind of girl

I met her online, I was lonely and she was bored, one click and the conversation that would start a romance had ignited. Chemistry like ours can’t be made in the lab, it’s one of those natural unknown unknowns, and the reaction requires no activation it sparks by itself. You could call her a breath of fresh air but that still would not fully describe her, she’s like WOW! yes! The only word I can think of to do her justice is WOW!. I swore to stay aware from cyber relationships but how do you turn away the person who helped you pick up the pieces? It’s funny how when god sends us angels we are too busy being sad, living in the past and facebooking about our ex’s that we look straight past them, lucky for me I had my angels spotting radar working correctly.

 She does not mind my tasteless jokes about the gap in her teeth; she is cool with me joking about her being able to lie through her teeth. She gives great advice, she’s like a well of infinite wisdom, wise beyond her years; my definition of Yoda. She would rather spend a night at home listening to my rambling and going on about the complexities of life, than in the club dancing and drinking like the rest of our generation. She’s like an ice cream Sunday; she gave new meaning to the phrase ‘maybe on Monday’. She’s the right mix of girly girl and normal rough kick ass chick, you should see my girl in a dress; curves like the ones on the Rehoboth road.
It's seldom that you find a woman that listens, you're truly blessed if you have one that listens attentively

She has an intense liking for my particular brand of humorous sarcasm, she calls me her geeky nice guy and who am I to object.  They say that nice guys always finish last, but with her I finish in first place every single time. She’s as adventurous as a college freshman and as shy as a Sunday school choir girl; talk about the perfect mix. Her favorite joke is asking me in her best sexy vampy naughty voice to tickle her breast, and because I never want to disappoint her I always respond “if it turns you on, then I will tickle both your breasts”; I am totally in love her sense of humor.  With her I don’t have to rush, I can take all the time I need. She may not be the perfect kind of girl but she is my kind of girl.

Nothing is ever guaranteed and I’m not sure if our cyber romance will translate into something in the real domain, but I know our friendship will always bind us together. But I am hoping that in my bright future (the one my professors keep saying that I will have), she will be that shining light at the end of the dark tunnel; she’s my kind of girl.


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