bafana bafuny and associated blunders

This week is telling stories about funny blunders week, as usual I will expose others while my integrity remains intact. Boys will be boys; in this case the boys (Bafana Bafana) showed why they will never grow up. Between the Captain (shabba’s dreads must have been pulled too tight), the coach, the SAFA president and their Sangoma one would assume there are enough brain cells to go around, but no! The smart guys refused to read the rule book and instead went with the old rules, and it seems no one in south Africa knows how to operate a calculator either *stopping myself from screaming;  idiots!*.

Blunder number 2 belongs to the NFA, how you have the balls to lodge a protest when you got beaten fair and square is beyond me. So what if the other guys used a player whose passport looks dodgy, can’t be worse than the springboks who have that Zimbabwean dude who ran over Chrysander Botha like Jonah Lomu did to Mike Cat in RWC 95, what’s his name? *voice in head screams “the Beast”* . But you don’t hear our rugby team launching protests, why? Because it’s common knowledge that players choose to play for countries other than their country of birth, does the name Percy Montgomery ring a bell? Plus we all know that the hearing will be conducted in French, I will hold thumbs for the NFA but we all know that one brown envelope with US Dollars will determine the outcome *yes, there is corruption in Soccer, where have you been? *

Rolling on and picking up steam we turn to an entity that rolls out blunders for fun, the Namibian Goverment, sorry the SWAPO government. What do you call buying Mercedes benz’s for ministers when unemployment stands at 50%, the National Census was a disaster, people are eating from dustbins, Transnamib buying Chinese locomotives again (did the last one not break as soon as they opened the box)and silly imaginary solutions like TIPEEG. A blunder! That’s what you call it. I don’t like politicians but our guys really push the envelope, they keep comedians like Trevor Noah in business (he doesn’t read to write material, he just goes to a Julius malema press conference), time to change the guard or vision 2030 will be the dream it always was.

To make it worse they are in bed with the devil, if you’re thinking the US, you were close but no quite. Its common knowledge that South Africa is now china’s main African girlfriend, Namibia is that chick on the side that is being forever promised that she will be Mrs Boss as soon as the current Mrs Boss is divorced. How else would you explain importing agricultural products from china, as if we can’t grow our own veggies? Experience with cheap Chinese products has told us to expect the worst, just imagine eating broccoli from china, I bet you that you will start growing a tail from all the heavy metals in that stuff, or worse. I feel as though the government blunders on purpose sometimes like they consider it a hobby (the ridiculous nonsense they discuss in parliament when they are not sleeping or absent), while the world is bracing for another recession from the euro zone crisis, the president get’s to fly in a brand new jet, spending on luxuries while the nation starves (talk about living a champagne lifestyle on a coca-cola budget).

I am not immune to blunders, I remember in December 2009 how I got the dates wrong for a Bursary interview (thank god AREVA rescued me and sent me to france), turning up 20 minutes late for the mineral economics exam because I forgot to readjust my watch (it was snowing, just so you know) or the time we were implicated in forging signatures on players transfer forms while at the helm of Civillians FC (I blame Alex). I could go on and on but like I said earlier, my integrity must remain intact and three blunders of my own are enough.

I’m sure we could fill a book with blunders, so please comment below and share your own (Mail me or ask me on facebook if you don’t know how to post comments, ignorance is the mother of all blunders).
Celebrating prematurely!


  1. Lol at Bafana bafunny and NFA! Lmhao at you and Alex! But, shame on THEM; funny how they insist on 'the best or nothing' (and the likes), while applauding shoddy jobs and serious blunders (census, Transnamib, unemployment). Great blog, keep tickling me...

  2. I hate politicians especially the fact that they blundering around with the whole nation, coz surely if they dnt perform well we are doooooomed!!


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