bafana bafuny and associated blunders

This week is telling stories about funny blunders week, as usual I will expose others while my integrity remains intact. Boys will be boys; in this case the boys (Bafana Bafana) showed why they will never grow up. Between the Captain (shabba’s dreads must have been pulled too tight), the coach, the SAFA president and their Sangoma one would assume there are enough brain cells to go around, but no! The smart guys refused to read the rule book and instead went with the old rules, and it seems no one in south Africa knows how to operate a calculator either *stopping myself from screaming; idiots!*. Blunder number 2 belongs to the NFA, how you have the balls to lodge a protest when you got beaten fair and square is beyond me. So what if the other guys used a player whose passport looks dodgy, can’t be worse than the springboks who have that Zimbabwean dude who ran over Chrysander Botha like Jonah Lomu did to Mike Cat in RWC 95, what’s his name? *voice in head screams “the Beast”...