21 Things about me that annoy other people

  1. I am an emotional retard (not my fault) and I speak in circles (annoying as f***).
    2.       I bottle my emotions, I’ve actually opened up as I’ve grown older.

    3.       I am afraid of people that I’ve just met or don’t know, I only talk when spoken to when I am around them.

    4.       Because of no. 3, people think I am anti-social. I am very strict with kids, even my nieces and nephews know that once the line is drawn, it will not be moved.

    5.       I am anti-social, but it’s because my life is shit right now and being around people makes it worse.

    6.       I am very difficult to love, as a person. Which makes me a very frustrating person.

    7.       I have two mobile phones, which I don’t carry on me. Much to the annoyance of people trying to get a hold of me, especially those who always need favours to be done for them.

    8.       I find being alone comforting and therapeutic, which is probably why I don’t carry my phones.

    9.       When in distress I cut myself off from everyone, I get angry when I am stressed and people follow when I try to get away. Which is probably why I’ve started leaving my phones on my bed.

    10.   The world does not exist when I have earphones in, much to the annoyance of people trying to talk to me, clearly ignoring the earphones.

    11.   I love my gadgets, thus why I hate sharing them.

    12.   Most of my gadgets are broken by other people, hence why no. 10 is on the list.

    13.   I am very bad at keeping in touch with friends and people in general, but I am great at creating stimulating conversation (that helps right?).

    14.   I block everything out when I am stressed, total mental lock down. Which is probably why I suck at keeping in touch and probably why I am still single.

    15.   I am emotionally neutral most of the time, neither happy nor sad. Which I have been told makes it impossible for people to decipher my mood.

    16.   I don’t tell people my problems, which is very bad. Actually it’s very dangerous, but people tell your problems to other people. People can’t be trusted, unless you are paying them to listen to your problems and they’re bound by a confidentiality agreement.

    17.   I am paranoid, but I hide this very well. I don’t trust people until they prove themselves trustworthy. Most people view this as being anti-social.

    18.   I am stupid. I could be one disappointment away from jumping off a bridge, look you straight in the eye and convince you I am fine (when I am not). Which is why most people believe that I either have a few screws loose or have none to begin with.

    19.   Number 18 landed me on a couch talking to an old guy who wears veldskoens (field shoes). Which is not really annoying to anyone, but I was running out of annoying facts about me.

    20.   I am absent minded and can’t multi task. I compensate by doing things in an ordered sequence, but I can’t jump the sequence without affecting the end result. This annoys the shit out of people. One of my aunts (who was visiting) once called me away from stressful homework and sent me to get sugar and I came back with salt. She called me dumb (We don’t talk no more). My mom once sent me to the neighbours but I reached the end of the street before I remembered that she sent me to get an axe from next door. Yes, I was doing homework before she sent me. I can focus so much on what I am watching on TV that you’d have to yell before I hear you.

    21.   I love order. My wardrobe and personal space reflects it. My socks are all folded, even when I throw my books on the floor, I throw them onto two piles. One for those I’ve read and the other for those I still need to read. You see, even my disorder is ordered. I even fold plastic shopping bags and store them away.

    22.   I am very sarcastic, half of which sounds like insults disguised by vocabulary (Which is what sarcasm is, coincidence?). My cousin says that I am a douche because of my sarcasm. I think he needs to lighten up and stop giving me free material.

    23.   This list is over by two. But it’s because I wanted to say that I know about all the things on the list, I spend most of my time by myself because I’d rather not annoy people. Remove the problem and the problem is solved (Thanks for reading till the end, hope it makes life around me less annoying).


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