My wish

You are beautiful; you are beautiful brown woman. You are all big eyes, thighs and the warmest of hearts. You are imperfectly perfect, with just the right amount of flawed to complete the masterpiece. This is what I say to you; you have heard this before, and I know it sounds better than that time I called you ‘presentable’. I am not the only one who notices the diversity and vibrancy of your personality, sure you’re not going to win Miss Universe but at least you can spell the word Ubiquitous. You have said to me many times “People have always said that I have a great personality”, If people keep saying it repeatedly it is either true or they are trying to get you to join their church. If only you could see what they see, If only we could take you out of your body so you too can revel in the marvelous spectacle that is you. So that you too can see firsthand how incredibly attractive your wit and intellect are. If only you could see, If only you weren't so blinded by all this Instagram type of perfect that people fake so they can plant inadequacy in others. If only you could see, I bet my house that you would fall in love with yourself, and I don’t even have a house. If only you could stop wallowing in self doubt long enough to open your eyes. If only you could see what we see, then maybe you would finally stop doubting and believe.

Sometimes I catch myself trying to rationalize what I am doing, the self is not happy with me. The self has decided that at this juncture it’s best that I keep my distance and disappear into the low profile that I am so perfect at. When you start seeing the roots of emotional attachment deepening slowly to the extent where another person has a direct influence on your mood and state of being. When the other person starts influencing your happiness, walk away or suffer the consequences. I know that nothing good will come of our infatuation for one another, your heart belongs to him and my heart is held together by emotional selo-tape (sticky tape). When you asked me to make three wishes and I said that I did, I actually lied. I only made two; I wanted a flying car and a job that allows me to play soccer every weekend. I saved my last wish for you, because at this point in time you need it more than I do. That is my wish, that one day you can see what we see, that one day you will believe that you are beautiful. That one day you will have the strength to be the queen that you are meant to be.

That is my wish.


  1. This is so beautifully written. Now I am just going to read it again (and maybe for a couple other many times), and pretend it was well-written for me. Thank you...:-)


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