Pessimists rarely achieve great things; on the other hand
blind optimists happen to commit suicide more often. I’m not saying live your
life without hope; you cannot live life without hope. When you set your alarm
for the next morning without even knowing if you will be alive to wake up to
that alarm, you are unconsciously nurturing the flames of hope that light the
fire of most human beings. I just wanted to share some lessons that life has
taught me, lessons that I had to learn the hard way, so beware.
Beware of giving so
much of yourself to other people, they take all they can for themselves and
leave nothing for you.
Beware of listening to
people’s problems, they will tell you of all their problems, heartaches and
nonsense and leave when you finally have one little problem that you need them
to listen to.
Beware of always rescuing
people, they get used to it and when you need rescuing they will tell you “it’s
ok, you are strong, and you will be fine”.
Beware of getting
attached to people, like Namene Timoteus says “people die and when they die,
you’d want to die with them”.
Beware of falling in
love with people with beautiful eyes, when they fall out of love with you, the
memories of those eyes will be impossible to erase and they will haunt you deep
into the depths of your dreams.
Beware of sleeping
with people you don’t love, although you can let them go because you have no
emotional attachment to them, they take physical intimacy as an unbreakable
Beware of neglecting
yourself; no one can damage you more than you can. Self inflicted damage is the
worst; the effects will break you down and take your will to live.
Beware of running from
your problems; even Usain Bolt can’t outrun his problems, the challenges of
life are to be faced head on.
Beware of being afraid
to try, nothing great has ever been achieved by cowards who lack backbone and
Beware of cooperate
juggernauts that never keep their promises, when it comes to a choice between
an individual human being and profit, profit has never lost and never will,
Beware of trying to
hide under your bed and spending your days in the shadows, darkness has no
mercy. Darkness is like the grim reaper: it just cares about collecting its
souls, it does not care about who still needs that soul, so beware.
beware of flying golf balls |
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