Cool runnings Part 2

Eating my medal Please Read part 1 if you haven't already cool-runnings-part-1 , otherwise you're not going to get this story. Those shoes are made for running The 22 nd of June 2013 is one of those days that I will never forget; on that day I got to scratch “ran a half marathon race” off my bucket list. Believe it or not, I ran the 21 km Old Mutual Victory race in an hour and 27 minutes. Which is very slow and three minutes slower than my first 20 km race two weeks earlier and way outside my target time of one hour but the sense of achievement inside of me was unparalleled. I have achieved a lot of things in my life, but finishing that race took more determination and grit than anything I’ve ever tackled. That morning I was nervous, which is unusual but if you saw what I saw then you’d also be nervous. When I turned up to the stadium I was stunned and frightened, the Namibian Police and the Defence Force were out in full force. They had bought a whole mini...