The illusion of being lonely–Onkalmwenyo kayihole wuli lonely


If there is one thing that humans fear more than death, then it can only be loneliness. How else would you explain why people have pets? Especially cats, I have nothing against those fur balls but I don't trust them, any domestic animal that can kill a snake is dodgy to me. In addition there is that scene in harry potter where the teacher transforms from a cat into her human form, ever since then whenever I'm around cats I have both eyes wide open just in case.

There is nothing like being by yourself in the middle of the Namib Naukluft on top of a mountain to make your mind start convincing you that you are lonely (I was up there trying to find network reception in case you were wondering). No single event convinces you that you are lonely quite like heartbreak; you even ignore the existence of your friends. The same friends that helped comfort you and help you drown your sorrows when that creature they advised you not to date breaks your heart. I'm not saying that loneliness does not exist, all I'm saying is maybe it's sometimes an illusion by your mind to take advantage of you when you're weak and vulnerable. It's natural to crave a companion because even if you have everything it does not mean much if you have no one to share it with. Now your mind will automatically make you believe it's because you don't have a male or female companion by your side, you will then rush into a relationship to fill an imaginary void that only ever existed because you made a huge decision in a moment of weakness. What about your friends? Your family? Your cat! Don’t they count?

Are the people around you not good enough to share your joy and success with? I'm not running away from the fact that men and women need partners of the opposite sex to complement them, but not necessarily complete them. You must be complete by yourself before you can be with someone else, you must be content and comfortable by yourself before anyone can share your time and thoughts with you. You must be happy on your own before you can be happy with anyone else. First you must love yourself before you can love another being. Your happiness can be influenced by another being but the control must always rest in your hands. So all I'm saying is ask yourself are you really lonely or are you just getting conned by an illusion that your mind fooled you into believing in a moment where you were so weak you couldn't think clearly. Learn to appreciate that life will suck, don't let that make you panic into a decision you will regret later.

Lonely man



  1. who else can understand this better than me.
    After all, we discussed this on the streets of PARIS
    :) :)

  2. Incredible thoughts.. Very very true!


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