Relationship dynamics of the modern day era

Some wise words Disclaimer: The mind of Filemon_Fly is not wired like that of a normal human male. The revelations below might shock you, kill you with laughter and leave you slightly confused. Read with an open mind. I have been on what is generally termed as a break from relationships. The aftermath of my split from my ex had effects more far reaching than I had ever imagined (those eyes, it was the eyes). Anyways I have decided to get back on the horse, if you catch my drift. Unfortunately the dynamics of modern relationships have changed and my time in France has resulted in me getting left behind. Before you embark on a new expedition preparation is necessary, one must do their homework first (can’t just dive in like a blind duck).The following is my homework, it’s a brief profile of possible candidates of the type of woman that a slightly nerdish, extremely dorkish, down to earth geek should consider as dating material. 1. The Seelima Type: Seelima is the girl...