Life in the Words of Filemon iiyambo - Part 2

More Filemon iiyambo quotes;

How to live longer:  If you see two girls throwing shoes, slapping hands, pulling each others hair, trying to or Attempting punches at each other then don’t get involved coz it's probably a chick fight and chick fights are really dangerous. So just turn and run very fast in the opposite direction, don’t attempt to be a hero, heroes only live in movies in real life they get killed in chick fights.

What happens after it's over: Me and my ex are friends, that means we once loved each other but now we love other people. _ George Jurgens

Man of many talents: I am what people class as socially awkward, I have even been called "timid" (shy in French) .but all my friends say that I’m really nice, very thoughtful, hideously sarcastic and occasionally very funny... and apparently I listen pretty well. But I feel as though my greatest talent is being able to give out appropriately cool nick names. My track record speaks volumes.

When you should just go ahead and do it: Having doubts does not mean that those doubts will come true; it's a good indication that you are ready!

Getting an honestly good girlfriend: Before I would just do it, but now it takes strategy, resources and even begging.

Stroking my ego, again!: On most days I look exceptionally ordinary. The secret to my success is that I always have faith in my abilities, and when I bite of more than I can swallow my built in refusal to give up or lose ensures that I keep chewing till I am able to swallow.

Smarter than I look: People call me brilliant at times and ask me "how do you do it?". To be honest I have been asking myself the same question since kindergarten.

Important to look your best: Beauty is only skin deep, but in the modern day where finding a good woman/man is nearly impossible, it is a major contributing factor.

Careful with people's hearts and emotions: Guys are gentle creatures, but in every man a monster exists buried deep within. It should be in a woman's interest to conduct all emotional interactions in such a way that the monster is never awakened. "If you find a good man, don’t be a bitch and break his heart".

Boys and girls: When a girl see's a boy doing something naughty she goes "you get in trouble for that". We being ever calm in face of danger always reply " I don’t know what you're talking about".

My good friend says: Love is not logical it's chemical, that's what make's it so mental.

Emma Watson as Hermione Granger: “I am highly logical which allows me to see past extraneous details and see clearly what others overlook”.

What you should not say to a girl: Honestly, you scare me sometimes.

How not to pitch marriage to a guy: Honey, have you ever thought about getting married?
How to correctly pitch marriage to a guy: "Life is like monopoly and you just got the marriage card, hence go straight home, don’t pass by the club and don’t pick up a beer on the way home, you cant get out unless you give up half of everything you got" - Now please don’t take that seriously I’m being sarcastic.

The one thing you don’t want to be told after getting a butt whooping from mom: It’s for your own good you know.

How to quit smoking: Best way to stop smoking, is not to start in the first place.

Sex: If you still refer to the male contraception device as a rubber you probably should not be having it.

Why do i have a blog: To tickle your brains and leave you wanting more and maybe polish my dormant English.

Two titles that I don’t mind having: Mr Iiyambo/Malima, Dr Iiyambo/Malima.

Three titles that I want , would cherish and take pride in: Husband, Father, Best selling author.


  1. Now l know how to pitch marriage to a guy. Thanks, Dr Malima

  2. Now l know how to pitch marriage to a guy. Thanks, Dr Malima


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