Life in the Words of Filemon iiyambo - Part 2
More Filemon iiyambo quotes; How to live longer: If you see two girls throwing shoes, slapping hands, pulling each others hair, trying to or Attempting punches at each other then don’t get involved coz it's probably a chick fight and chick fights are really dangerous. So just turn and run very fast in the opposite direction, don’t attempt to be a hero, heroes only live in movies in real life they get killed in chick fights. What happens after it's over: Me and my ex are friends, that means we once loved each other but now we love other people. _ George Jurgens Man of many talents: I am what people class as socially awkward, I have even been called "timid" (shy in French) .but all my friends say that I’m really nice, very thoughtful, hideously sarcastic and occasionally very funny... and apparently I listen pretty well. But I feel as though my greatest talent is being able to give out appropriately cool nick names. My track record speaks volumes. When you shou...