Why do namibians like eating?
Why do Namibians like eating? Maybe because it rhymes with cheating. Namibians have an insatiable appetite for sex. Oto patana? Show me a Namibian man who is married or in a relationship that doesn’t have at least one side chick, show me that and I’ll tell you who killed Tupac Shakur. Clearly, we have a taste for forbidden fruit, so it’s no surprise that we like corruption. Wait, did you really think this article was about eating? Shame! Namibians are the champions of selective morality, something is only wrong if they are not benefiting from it, and this is the general attitude towards corruption. As long as I am eating then it’s not corruption. Long queues are generally a sign that something is not working correctly, they are indicative of poor service delivery and inefficient systems, in Namibia a queue is the perfect place to observe the proclivity for corruption. Queue cutting is the most enjoyable form of low level corruption to watch. Most people use their friends to c...