Some are more equal than others

There is nothing like a global pandemic to remind you how fucked up your country is. Covid-19 is not only testing the humanity of the world but has exposed the inequality in many African countries, Namibia is no exception. According to the Genie Index figures compiled by the World Bank in 2019, Namibia is the fourth most unequal country in Africa and the world, we would be number 3 if South Africa wasn’t that neighbor that wants to beat you at everything. Southern Africa is the most unequal region in Africa in terms of wealth distribution, an African Development Bank study in 2012 revealed that 7 out of the 10 most unequal African countries were in Southern Africa. Which is kind of silly considering that Southern Africa has two of the top ten diamond producers in the world, and the fourth largest producer of Uranium in the world. So, it’s no surprise that one of the things that is most highlighted by the outbreak of Covid-19 in Namibia is the social and economic ineq...