How dare you?

You will read the words audacious and dare quite a few times before you get to the end of this article. Being a writer in Namibia is downright audacious, how dare you? No one writes form small places; they write about small places. Why can’t you stick to your box? Go and be a: Doctor; Engineer; Accountant; Scientist — a respectable profession. Why dabble in other things? Do you really want to add imposter syndrome, writers block, and self-deprecation to your list of problems? How dare you? Well… How dare you not? Lest you continue to complain about people telling your stories and contorting the narrative to present to the world what you are not. The only thing slightly more audacious than being a writer in Namibia is deciding to write fiction. How dare you? Don’t you know that only people who have risked their lives for their country or are the first black person in their country to achieve something warrant literary fame? Why can’t you wait until you have lived long enough and ...