To the ballot box

“Are you voting in this year’s parliamentary/national assembly election?” If you are Namibian and are of legal age and fulfill all the legal requirements (registered voter), then the answer should be a simple yes or no, not a forlorn look at the sky and a shrug of the shoulders. However, when most young Namibians contemplate their choices at the ballot box in the upcoming national assembly elections, they look up at whichever God they pray to as if to ask, “Why have you forsaken us.” The choices are not inspiring, at all. It is either stick or twist? Stick? The devil we know: the ruling SWAPO party has been in power for 29 years, they are the reason there is ‘peace’ and ‘stability’ as they state at every rally. By the standards of a post independent African country, Namibia under the SWAPO government is doing okay. Free primary and secondary education, great environment for investors, reasonably stable economy (tourism, agriculture, mining), good infrastructure ...