Mrs Brown

Mrs. Brown Everyone who knew Mrs. Susan Brown has a story about her, it is either funny, heartwarming, or both. I first met Mrs. Susan Brown on a warm Wednesday morning in November 2017. I was shortlisted for a position at Combretum Trust School and she chaired the interview panel. We had spoken a few minutes earlier on the phone, because I had gone to the wrong place, ended up lost and subsequently late for my interview. I sat down apprehensively, slightly worried my tardiness had made the wrong impression. The normal interview questions fell down on me like an avalanche: 1. Tell us about yourself – my favorite story to tell. 2. How do you deal with conflict – I avoid it. 3. What makes you the best candidate for the job – I have a very unique skill set . 4. What your ideal salary – peanuts are fine, but I’m not sure that’s a healthy diet. Just so you know; those were the responses in my head, not the ones that came out of my mouth. Mrs. Brown lik...