Picking up the pieces_The accidental educator
Read this to get yourself up to speed “ All day staring at the ceiling, Making friends with shadows on my wall. All night hearing voices telling me, that I should get some sleep. Because tomorrow might be good for something .” Unwell x Matchbox twenty. January 2016, Friday One song defines my despondent relationship with myself, unwell by Matchbox twenty. Of all the rock bands I was listening to in my teens, that song resonated the most because it finally allowed me to make peace with myself. I came to terms with what I had always known but people around me, even my own family struggled with. I realized that it’s perfectly okay to be weird, to be a little abnormal, I was not crazy. Uniqueness and crazy are not mutually inclusive. That song was playing in my head for a good twenty minutes on a Friday afternoon, which I had spent lying on the bed staring sideways at the walls in my bedroom, my happy place since I moved back home. I was looking at those four walls as...