Trump - thanks for the entertainment.

They say that politics is something that is so complex that it is better left to those best equipped for it – politicians. In Africa it is said that politics is a realm for those who dodged colonial regime bullets, and their descendants. Which is why I am particularly intrigued by the curious case of one Donald Trump . Donald is not a politician, he’s a businessman best known for a reality TV Show (The apprentice) and his hair implants – which look like they’re impersonating dog fur. Yet, the Donald is the Republican Party’s presidential candidate, even science has no explanation for that. I have colleagues who are fascinated by the Donald, they say that he gives off a sense of power and iron will, he says what he wants and feels. Hitler also said what he wanted and felt, look how well that turned out? Trevor Noah found it fitting to compare Trump to an African dictator and that shoe fits perfectly, he should just buy up a country in West Africa and declare himself pr...