Chalks have fallen - The namibian teachers strike 2016.

Pomwene Shakela, Grade 12 learner: “Okay, the thing is… We’re not saying that the government should not give the teachers the 8% increment that they’re asking for, and neither are we saying that the teachers should accept the 5% increment that government is offering. But, what we’re saying is that they should fix their dispute, they should solve their problems, but they should leave us out of it.” Figure 1 : Learners at Gabriel Taapopi Senior Secondary School in Ongwediva. An impassioned and grammatically correct plea, against the backdrop of the first legal teachers strike in Namibia’s history. Thousands of Grade 10, and Grade 12 learners turned up to school, only to find out that the examinations scheduled for the 13 th and 14 th October had been postponed, because there were no teachers to invigilate the exams. Chalks had fallen, the educators were on strike. After failing to come to an agreement with the government on an appropriate percentage for a long d...