Who are you to judge?
Who are you to judge? The bible says that God made man in his image. Genesis, verse 27 : “ God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Who are you to decide what that image should look like? Who gave a mortal man the power to decide that white is superior to black, the rich have more rights than the poor, and that a man is stronger than a woman. Power and Greed are the most dangerous of mankind’s vices, they have bred the most heinous forms of prejudice and discrimination: Racism, Classicism, and Sexism. Why do believers of God – a God who is just and fair, and a god who loves all his children, make it their mission to preach to those who don’t fit into their narrow image of perfection, that they are not worthy? That is the moral incongruence of Christianity, of most religions really. Preach one thing, practice the reverse. So who are you to judge? The answer lies in the two vices I mention earlie...