Kalunga Opweeli (God exists) part 2 – The tyranny of emasculated men.
"Falling rocks don't kill people, people who put other people under falling rocks kill people. Beware the tyranny of emasculated men." Man is powerful, perhaps the most power species on earth. He is also equally destructive. That much is evident, man has cured diseases that used to signal a death sentence, but he has also destroyed, two World Wars have shown the most destructive side of man. Men who have been oppressed for too long are perhaps the most distructive. Case in point: Africa’s dictators. Severely brutalised by colonial powers, and then when they gained power, they turned out to be worse than those who oppressed them – ruthlessly brutalising their own people. When a man is oppressed, often he is emasculated, his feels as though his superiority and power are stripped from him. So what he does is to compensate by taking that frustration out, usually on those physically weaker than him – Women and children. Some men who worked in mines for ...