2014 - the strange, the good and the downright unexplainable
Ah, the end of another year. The way calendar years just sprint past, you’d think time is on steroids or something. Anyways, due to the fact that I am neither famous nor notorious enough to make the Namibian newspapers list of personalities for the best and worst of 2014. I have decided to follow Job Amupanda and just do my own thing, right here on my blog, my little republic where I am dictator and saint – at the same time. So here goes. 2014 was? The year I sold my imaginary dankie Botswana, started over and decide to follow my passion – becoming a fully-fledged grammar Nazi. 2015 will be? Hopefully the year I gain some fame, notoriety or a government tender. Just something to make me special, city of Windhoek plot eligibility type of special. Strangest dream of 2014? Same weird dream I have every year, I am still in UNAM and don’t have enough credits to graduate. Not strange to most, but to me, it’s terrifying. Weirdest place you woke up in 2014? It really wasn...