Namibian politics ; a game of thrones
A knowledgeable young man called Filemon Iiyambo once said, “Politics is a subject so complex and diverse in its essence that it is better left to politicians. It’s a very dark art that very few people are blessed with the disposition for.” Yes, I just quoted myself. Bite me! Politics and especially Namibian politics, has many similarities to ‘Game of Thrones’. Those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, I have one word, Google is your friend, my friend. Actually that’s more than one word, it’s a whole phrase. But, it’s my blog, I am the dictator here! Game of thrones, is an HBO TV show that is extremely popular, more popular than a young girl in a short skirt at a sugar daddy convention. Or in terms that everyone can understand, it’s a series, a TV series. It’s based on the books by George R. Martin. If you haven’t ever watched an episode of this show, then you need to stop torturing yourself, you...