
Showing posts from June, 2012

Fatal love - when passion kills

The nation is outraged; the citizens are still reeling in shock. To put it in simple terms people are incensed at the increasing number of passion killings. The story usually reads, boy meets girl, boy charms girl with money/car/jewellery, relationship breaks down, boy catches feelings, picks up weapon proceeds to kill girl and then he kills himself. Usually in that order but situations tend to vary. Namibians are very peaceful people unless of course it’s 3 a.m. at a bar in Eveline Street or an RDP rally in northern Namibia staged in a SWAPO stronghold in both cases things get violent. We are also very reactionary beings, always exaggerating the symptoms and ignoring the disease, things such as TIPEEG are indications of the tendency of Namibians to hit the panic buttons way too early. The panic buttons have been flashing towards the re-introduction of the death penalty as a measure to deter men from killing women. However protection of life is entrenched in our constitution, mea...