Stop Bakkies botharing the Welwichucks - Show a lil patriotism for shucks sake!

Eish! just when I had hope of a good contest the bakkies bokke go and maul the welwichucks, although I cannot applaud Jacques Burger (bloke with the untamed hair and Broken nose) and his boys enough for their gallant effort. Like bubbles Udjombala said “Scoreboards don’t measure heart, and the welwichucks definitely have heart”, we may have lost every match at the world cup so far but my faith in the biltong boere (it’s just a name, calm down everybody) is like the resolve of Julius Malema and the ANC; it remains unshaken. What irked me just a little were the tasteless shots taken at the Welwichucks after that game, I really have no problem in people expressing their opinions but ridiculing your own countrymen, some of whom quit their jobs and took unpaid leave to represent their country is just a bit unpatriotic. There is a thin line between humour such as the following tweets “@bubbs07: Just called Closwa and Nam Breweries to stop export...Mwanya ...