The modern family - A soccer fan's interpretation

If you’re reading this, then that wanker Howard Camping got it wrong again (Idiot!) and the world did not end on the 22 nd of May. As if we don’t already know that the world will end in 500 million years when the sun begins to burn out, but with the string of disasters this year; floods in Namibia, Dead birds in the US, Osama getting shot in the head, Earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan, Local elections in SA, Rebecca Black’s Friday song and First Semester exams at Varsities all over the world. One can be forgiven for thinking the World was coming to an end. Families have changed overtime, but u still can’t choose your family. Most families are like sport teams, in the normal one’s it’s the kids versus the parents, in the almost normal families it’s one kid and a parent against the other kid and the other parent. In the really messed up families, everyone (kids, parents and even the dog) works together to get the job done. If we analyse closely most families are like sport teams ...